SCAUWG.ORG Current Projects are discussed daily.
Our desire is to further pathways that can lead to LA Airspace Safety and Efficiency. Whether the goal is to promote Southern California Airport Runway Safety, to deconflict IFR approach and departure procedures, design safer flight routes that can lesson area TCAS Alerts, and provide improved VFR transit throughout the LA Basin, or promote better noise abatement policy amongst pilots, no challenge has been too large for SCAUWG.ORG to tackle. The venue for SCAUWG.ORG is now the entire FAA Western Region. SCAUWG.ORG is participating with San Diego FSDO FAASTeam and local Flight School Management, and airport stakeholders to continue the Training Area Charting Project that SCAUWG.ORG undertook in 2019. Updating the plotted areas, determining selected altitudes, and refining air to air frequencies in use is the goal. A series of Zoom conferences, and a serious email feedback campaign was undertaken. Now in 2025 our San Diego goals are just waiting in line for the same type of frequency project that will be initiated in Arizona to be realized. Working with the Arizona FAASTeam, ASAG, and AFTW (see our Arizona Page, obtaining allocated spectrum is a close by reality. (See Arizona notes below) As soon as Arizona is completed, San Diego's planned frequency allocation process can begin.
11/12/2024 San Diego practice Area Revisions - A SCAUWG.ORG venture to benefit ChartAware (Copyright Mike Carson & Ron Berinstein) spearheaded by Charlie Gunderson has made progress as Charlie has been collaborating with Paul Kortopates, San Diego FAASTeam Lead Rep .
WHITEMAN AIRPORT - Perpetuity! - SCAUWG.ORG in co-operation with NBAA
10/21/24 Whiteman Airport - ENJOYS PERPETUITY - SHUT DOWN the SHUT DOWN TALK!
The Following Letter was meant as a Notice to the Board of Supervisors that research has uncovered the data to support that Whiteman Airport is subject to Perpetuity. SCAUWG.ORG worked closely with NBAA and NBAA later obtained the endorsements of AOPA, NATA, and VAI prior to the notice being sent to the LA County Board of Supervisors as well as the LA County Council.
The following is a capture of the LA County Dept. Public Works Document that illustrates Federal Funding
To SEE THE ENTIRE DOCUMENT Sent to the LA County Board of Supervisors that also has a full copy of the LA County Dept. of Public Works Document proofing Federal Funding for the Purchase of REAL PROPERTY - CLICK HERE
THE WORK PRODUCT DEPICTE HEREIN is the result of months of investigation uncovering the hidden truth, forgotten about Whiteman Airport.
Now, the new challenge is to spread the word and get authorities to acknowledge it.
10/2024 A new section has been added to our So Cal Airport Menu. It specifically features issues raised and steps taken to resolve them at selected Airports facing big challenges. The new Pop-Down ISSUES Menu is being built out now. It started with Torrance, Whiteman, Redlands, and Santa Paula. Long Beach and several others have been added. Do you have information pertinent to this goal? We want to hear from you!
Our site has now officially expanded, and we have included Airport Advocacy as an important and necessary addition.
Our name is Southern California Aviation United Working Group. Webmaster: I feel this name better describes our mission. It also makes clear what our acronym stands for.
Notable Goals:
Perhaps one of SCAUWG's Most Important Goals historically, is to influence the redesign of the Los Angeles Flyway Chart, found on the reverse side of the LA TAC. This important VFR Pilot Route Planning Chart was designed in the early 1990's by Jack Norris and Barry Schiff and was up to date for that time. Now, after so many procedures have changed, our position after considerable reflection, is the Flyway Chart's suggested VFR routes and altitudes also must change.
Update 2022: There have been some pertinent updates to the Flyway Chart. However, continuing the good fight, and educating pilots about the possible dangers traps that the current chart illustrates is a continual goal.
Ongoing: Advanced Air Mobility - What the Future in Air Separation Safety will demand of us. - This is an important topic that deserves the utmost attention.
A Success! A Brand-New Way to Study the Boundaries of the LA Basin Practice Areas! This innovative approach will yield the most concise and revealing information about our LA Basin Flight Intensive Training Areas Ever! Exposed is that the Redlands Area thought to be a large space NE of Redlands Airport, is being updated. Though a small aerobatic area is presently active and alive there, a newly documented large area for non-aerobatic flight training exists SE of the airport. This area is not currently recognized on the TAC chart. Our new INTERACTIVE CHART will describe it as well as the other charted areas on the TAC, and the user will be able to overlay the areas on the LA TAC, Sectional, Helicopter, IFR Low and Flyway Charts! Other "base map" options also exist e.g. a street map, etc.
The FLIGHT TRACK feature that illustrates where aircraft fly and at what altitude, has been shown to be an important Flight Planning Feature, but also a useful tool to illustrate to airport neighborhood residents and political office holders that some alleged assertions regarding "airplane noise" might not be accurate, and where the various flights overhead really emanate from.
A version of our new map is available now, though everyday it seems the chart is being improved, It will feature content, images, and when complete will be available for downloads that will be able to be used as overlays on ForeFlight and Garmin Pilot formats. You can view the current VERSION of CHARTAWARE right NOW by Clicking HERE! - More details about ChartAware follow below.
CHARTCOMPARE is our NEWEST APPLICATION. Designed by Contributing Editor Michael Carson, ChartCompare allows the user to compare the new version of a LA area Navigation chart to the older version and spot changes immediately, easy and effectively, The user can choose the exact area they wish to visually compare. This application details EVERY CHANGE made by the FAA, not just those that are published! You can visit ChartCompare Here.
A project that has recently sought the blessing of SCAUWG is that of the FREEDOM BEACON. The promoters of the Beacon presented the idea to Co-Chairman Pat Carey, and the project idea was placed on the July 2020 Meeting Agenda. SCT also sought information about the Freedom Beacon project from SCAUWG, that by unanimous vote of the meeting participants granted a green light. The project entails High Intensity Lights comprised of 50 7KW Xenon arc lamps mounted in parabolic reflectors at the Pacific Palms Resort in the City of Industry. SCT (9/2020) is vetting the project seeking info from all aviation entities that might be affected.
AirportAware -Natural Hazards
A new addition to our SCAUWG.ORG Flight Planning Applications is AirportAware When the app opens you will see a satellite image and dots on the map of California airports. On the right the layer list is open and you can turn on/off layers by clicking the eyeball next to each. Some layers are grayed out which means you must zoom in to be able to see them on the map. I have included airport points, earthquake shaking potential, flood hazard zones, liquefaction zones, landslide zones, tsunami hazard areas, sectional chart, and the California boundary.
This application is made available for both pilots and airport management and airport designers as well as first responders to take advantage of.
As users you can also click on most features to get attribute information. If you click on an airport point, you will see more attribute information as well as a link that takes you to for more info. Airport identifiers appear as you zoom in closer on the map.
KLGB 24-Hour Flight Tracks
Also, under Flight Applications on SCAUWG.ORG, you can view a 24-hour ADS-B capture of Long Beach Airport Flight Tracks. This application was developed in order to depict a possible risk to flight safety that a 200' proposed tower by Relativity Space could cause. The Red Dot in the graphic marks the proposed tower location. Observers might note that there are currently several flight tracks near or over that location because of helicopters departing from nearby helipads. The result to the flight pattern that would no doubt emerge should the tower be built would be that probably departures would be extended to the west over Long Beach community, and most probably be a cause of noise complaints.
ARIZONA: ARIZONA ADDITIONAL FREQUENCY PROJECT - SCAUWG.ORG has been helping Lee Unger, FAASTeam Rep. & SCAUWG.ORG Contributing Editor, who has been very instrumental in the quest to obtain more frequencies for ARIZONA airspace, with the goal of safer airspace separation in mind. Mr. Sydney Bradfield (FAA) "is being very helpful!! What an opportunity... for Arizona!"
Update July 10, 2023 - Letter from ASAG
The frequencies we are requesting are 121.950 MHz, 122.775 MHz, 122.850 MHz, and 123.300 MHz.
ASAG's Request for Waiver can be viewed here
Cary Grant
Arizona Aviation Safety Advisory Group, President
FAASTeam Lead Representative
Lieutenant Colonel, U.S. Air Force, Retired
Arizona Aviation Safety Advisory Group, Treasurer
FAASTeam Lead Representative
Arizona Aviation Safety Advisory Group, Frequency Project Advisor, W4ES
FAASTeam Representative
Arizona Aviation Safety Advisory Group, Frequency Project Facilitator, W7DVE
FAASTeam Representative
Update Feb. 28, 2022 Air-to-air frequencies for Phoenix, Arizona training areas:
To increase safety in the air and on the ground, Aviation Safety Advisory Group of Arizona, Inc. (ASAG) continues to coordinate a statewide effort to obtain dedicated air-to-air communication frequencies for flight training areas in the Phoenix, Arizona airspace. Patrick Carey,, working with Mr. Sydney Bradfield and his FAA WSA Spectrum Engineering Services Office, is trying to successfully obtain air-to-air frequencies for training areas in the Los Angeles airspace; Thanks to Pat Carey's introduction, Mr. Bradfield and his the FAA WSA Spectrum Engineering Services Office are instrumental in Arizona's efforts to request waivers of the Federal Communications Commission for four frequencies.
As ASAG continues our project in Arizona, we are honored to be included in the process as SCAUWG,ORG work toward air-to-air frequencies for flight training areas in the San Diego airspace. As in the LA airspace, air-to-air frequencies, approved exclusively for flight training, improve communications, help make the airspace safer and protect those in the air and on the ground from midair collisions. Arizona thanks Pat Carey and SCAUWG.ORG , Mr. Sydney Bradfield and FAA WSA Spectrum Engineering Services Office, the Federal Communications Commission, and Aviation Spectrum Resources Inc.(ASRI®) for their continued support.
Update Jan. 09, 2023 Air-to-air frequencies for Phoenix, Arizona training areas:
Hello, Mr. Jeffrey Tobias, and Mr. Joshua Smith and Ms. Katie Knox,
Thank you for your support and guidance through the process of understanding the applicable CFRs regarding Aviation Safety Advisory Group of Arizona's (ASAG) request for waiver for four Air-to-Air Frequencies for use in Flight Training Operations in the Phoenix Airspace.
If not in conflict with the FCC’s ex parte rules in place after a waiver request is filed, will you please advise ASAG how to best proceed with our request for four Air-to-Air Frequencies for Flight Training Operations in the Phoenix Airspace following an objection to our original request?
A synopsis of what has transpired since our request is provided here.
The frequencies Aviation Safety Advisory Group (ASAG) electronically requested July 7, 2022, were
121.950 MHz, 122.775 MHz, 122.850 MHz, and 123.300 MHz.
Confirmation Number: 20230707052510128
Click to review:
Fairfax O'Riley, Managing Member of Superior Soaring, Certificated Flight Instructor, and FAASTeam Representative, objected
to ASAG's Waiver Request
FCC ID 1070705497358 was received by the FCC on 07/12/2023
On July 13, 2023, a Zoom meeting was Hosted and facilitated by Craig Tompkins, FAA Safety Team Program Manager, Scottsdale, (Operations) to discuss Mr.Riley's objection to ASAG's Waiver
Request. The meeting was attended by Scottsdale FSDO's Ken Nettles, Office Manager; Tina Buskirk, Scottsdale FSDO Assistant Office Manager; Ernest R. Copeland, FAA Safety Team Program Manager Scottsdale (Airworthiness); Fairfax O’Riley, Managing Member of Superior Soaring, Certificated Flight Instructor, and FAASTeam Representative; Cary Grant, ASAG President, FAASTeam Lead Representative and Frequency Workgroup Member; Brian Stamper, Ph.D. ASAG Frequency Workgroup Member and FAASTeam Representative and Lee Unger, ASAG Frequency Workgroup Facilitator and FAASTeam Representative.
It was unanimously concluded that safety would not be served with 123.30 MHz as one of the ASAG air-to-air frequencies. This decision considered Superior Soaring's glider operations of using 123.3 MHz to communicate with primary students in single seat gliders, and additionally their plans to expand to be a mobile operation in the Phoenix area.
Also, it was brought to our attention that 122.775 MHz is the frequency for Snake Eye re: KGXF Gila Bend Air Force Auxiliary Airport.
With guidance, support and mentoring from Mr. Sydney Bradfield, FAA WSA Spectrum Engineering Services, AJW-1570 , Los Angeles Western Pacific Regional Office; Lorena Carvajal, FAA Headquarters Spectrum Assignments and Engineering Team; Major Patrick Carey, Retired USA, Co-Founder and Co-Chairman of Southern California Airspace Users Working Group (SCAUWG) and Ron Berinstein, Southern California Airspace Users Working Group, SCAUWG Director/Webmaster of website, ASAG vetted an additional two frequencies to replace 122.775 MHz and 123.30MHz for a second request for waivers
As of January 14, 2024, the four frequencies for which we hope to request waivers are.
120.650 MHz, 121.950 MHz, 122.850, and 127.050 MHz
ASAG has done interference testing along with vetting the frequencies with aviation entities statewide resulting in supportive, positive feedback for the frequencies.
Our continued objective in requesting and receiving waivers for four air-to-air frequencies for flight training operations in the Phoenix airspace is to help eliminate or reduce midair collisions thereby greatly improving safety in the air while protecting public safety on the ground.
If not hindered by the FCC’s ex parte rules, will you please direct us toward the proper procedures to follow in order to file a second request for waivers since our initial request was contested and, we learned of a conflict with another frequency?
Your continued guidance in this matter, if appropriate, is greatly appreciated. If you are unable, will you please direct us to someone who can advise us?
Thank you!
For the ASAG Frequency Workgroup,
Lee Unger
Cary Grant
Arizona Aviation Safety Advisory Group, President; FAASTeam Lead Representative
Lieutenant Colonel, U.S. Air Force, Retired; United Airlines Captain, Retired mobile (602) 705-6605
Jim Anderson
Arizona Aviation Safety Advisory Group,Treasurer, Frequency Project Workgroup; FAASTeam Lead Representative
Brian L. Stamper, Ph.D.
Arizona Aviation Safety Advisory Group, Frequency Project Workgroup; W4ES; FAASTeam Representative mobile (520) 400-4093
Virginia E. ‘Lee’ Unger
Arizona Aviation Safety Advisory Group, Frequency Project Facilitator; W7DVE; FAASTeam Representative mobile (520) 990-3792
Update 6/11/2024: Lee Unger was proud to report that after a letter of agreement is successfully signed (as previously agreed to) by the company interest who had brought an objection to the table (in progress now), the final submittal to the FCC can be sent, so that soon the negotiated new dedicated frequencies will be in place for the Arizona Flight Intensive Training Areas.
San Diego & ChartAware
Update MAY 10, 2022 Air-to -Air frequencies for San Diego, CA training areas AND a Revision of the Area Boundaries:
Proprietary area frequencies are on the way to San Diego as we write, an application is being submitted! SCAUWG.ORG has rallied Flight School Owners and Chief Flight Instructors from the Mexican border to Palomar. Together their extensive, collaborative, efforts that spanned several in-person meetings, dozens of emails and many online conferences have yielded a really successful blueprint for currently agreed upon content by the area stakeholders for training area boundaries. These new boundaries will replace those that in 2019 the feedback then received formed the inclusion of the area boundaries in the first version of SCAUWG.ORG's "ChartAware" Flight Planning Application developed by webmaster Ron Berinstein and cartographer Mike Carson.
Thanks to some extraordinary work done on behalf of SCAUWG.ORG, the incredible contribution made by FAA's Mr. Sydney Bradfield, and the innovative charting capacity that ESRI - ARC/GIS expert Mike Carson has, "ChartAware" will further become the premier source that depicts Flight Training Area boundaries, and provides pilots with the altitudes they are defined by, and the additional safety that air-to-air frequencies will provide the pilots practicing in those areas, or transitioning through them.
SCAUWG.ORG, Mike Carson, and Ron Berinstein also want to recognize, and give gratitude to the San Diego FAA FSDO, and specifically Mr. Randall "Steve" Nelson, FPM, whose vision in 2019 helped to propel this project, and has with continual support, helped to energize the program, and produce the current 2022 results. Also, the SCAUWG family would like to recognize San Diego member Charles Gunderson for his involvement.
"ChartAware" is available as a download and can be displayed via Foreflight, and Garmin Pilot, and any other program that can import KML files. The Flight Training areas, both published and unpublished are displayed, and with a touch or click, the airspace and frequency data will appear. On the SCAUWG.ORG website version, users can also view captured real flight tracks, and the altitudes flown over a 24-hour period mid-week, and weekend. The flight track data provides flight planners advance notice of where expected traffic will probably materialize.
SCAUWG member, and SCAUWG.ORG contributing editor as well as "ChartAware" co-developer Mike Carson, is working on the soon-to-be-completed, and highly anticipated new release now.
UPDATE 9/11/2024: Covid and the delay in obtaining dedicated frequencies in the Arizona areas have delayed the frequency acquisition program anticipated for San Diego. Steve Randall has since retired, and a new San Diego FPM is in place. As Arizona seems to be drawing to a conclusion it was agreed to start a follow-up with the San Diego Project. The new areas as developed under the guidance of Charles Gunderson and Steve Randall have been charted and are ready to go. We just need to secure agreed to, and acceptable frequency data.
ChartAware Update June 2022: A new Concept in the works. - Inspired due to a Safety Seminar presented by Pat Carey and ChartAware co-designed Ron Berinstein recently at Robinson Helicopter in Torrance sponsored by So Cal Rotors, we were reminded that altitudes are not printed on Helicopter Routes depicted on the LA Helicopter Chart, rather they are listed only on the chart boarder, and difficult to access. Mike Carson, ChartAware co-designer and cartographer will now develop a proof of concept and develop a new overlay designed for helicopter pilots enabling them to touch a chart route ID button and view a pop-up box with the route altitude and any other chosen pertinent information. Update 6/11/2024: This project has been "backordered." However, it is still on the table.
Las Vegas & ChartAware
6/11/2024 CFII Michael Williamson worked with now retired Terri Wolcott, previous FSDO Mgr. in Las Vegas, and has confirmed new Flight Intensive Training Areas and Frequencies. The Las Vegas ChartAware application has been "green-lit" and will be up very soon on SCAUWG.ORG!
FAASTeam Support
(post-Covid 19) Webmaster/VNY FSDO FAASTeam Lead Representative Ron Berinstein with the support of FAASTeam Manager Dr. Paul Foster reorganized the VNY FSDO FAASTeam organization and via conducting required annual representative training for not only VNY region, but also for LAX, RAL, and LGB regions, many FAASTeam members had their representative status regained.
In early December 2023, SCAUWG.ORG supported the production of the first VNY FSDO CFI/DPE "SUPER" FORUM. A sold-out success, DPEs and CFIs came together via Zoom and shared incredibly valuable information. Keynote Speaker David St. John, DPE, Executive Director SAFE, and FPM Dr, Paul Foster set the tone. The bar was raised continually when each DPE spoke and special guest Danny Grijalva, from Santa Monica Flyers, addressed issues of CFI/Student exchanging aircraft control.
VFR Chart Updates
VFR CHART CHANGES - UPDATES Published - SCAUWG.ORG Member Mike Carson's ChartCompare application is now presenting current updates that note the newly depicted VFR chart changes. These notes contribute to our regular role investigating navigational chart improvement and are regularly responsible for valuable feedback to the FAA in the form of correction information and quality proposals. As an example, in the June 2022 meeting Candy's notes illustrated the new departure paths from SBD, San Bernadino International, that affect REI, Redlands Airport. You can view Candy's work under PILOT STUFF. Link to it HERE.
CHART INQUIRIES: Should you notice a charting issue that should be explored, you are invited to send that data to us via "Contact SCAUWG." To send the data to the FAA, you can use the following link: Aeronautical Inquiries (
FAA ISSUED CHART CHANGES: The FAA often issues notices of future chart changes. SCAUWG.ORG publishes these notices as part of the preface on our INFORMATION WAREHOUSE Pages.
Selected Project Updates
June 2022: The MAY 2022 PR Goals for FLEET WEEK & SUMMIT AVIATION SAFETY were very successful:
FLEET WEEK: Held May 27-28-29-30. Surface to 1500' - SLI 264 radial @ 9.7 nautical miles - 2 mile radius - military style flights - Should not affect the Torrance straight-in 29R approach - but required area flights to be cautious and avoid the area. NOTAMs were published 72 hours in advance, but SCAUWG.ORG had the details and published the data well in advance. A No Drone flight area was in effect. Low altitude frequencies will be monitored. Info: Los Angeles Fleet Week | LA Fleet Week | Memorial Day Event | Southern California's Summer Kickoff Event
Dennis Lord, the event producer awarded special credit for helping to make the event safe as well as successful to Santosh Kumar of SCAUWG for his iPad enabled flight tracks giving all accurate info, and to SCAUWG.ORG published the info aviators needed to know.
SCAUWG.ORG also published, with the assistance of FAA Mission Services the pertinent TFRs in the LA Area due to the "SUMMIT OF THE AMERICAS" wherein many dignitaries from all over the world attended. The dates for the summit were June 6-10, 2022. The TFRs were centered around the downtown LA area and were 1 mile, 3 miles, or 5 miles in circumference. There were quite a few TFRs!
RESOLVED GOAL: TFRs for Fire Aeras - It was reported that these are currently taking 6 Hours to enact. Our Position is that this if true is far too long, and the system needs a jump start. Also, ATIS and ATC services need to have the data in a timely manner in order to communicate the TFR information. Investigation in progress.
As of 5/16/2022: Investigation by SCAUWG.ORG is that Fire TFRs are issued quickly by ATC (SCT). A trusted authority wrote: " soon as a TFR is filed by CalFire or some other entity, ATC (SCT) is notified pretty quickly. SCT generally knows about the problem as the fire aircraft are already transiting to a fire location well in advance of any TFRs. - if there is a time delay in getting a TFR filed it’s with the fire entity not with ATC. - Fire TFR’s are the responsibility of the firefighting entity. Their focus is generally on fighting the fire and a TFR is something they do after they have their assets in place."
June/July 2022 - SCAUWG.ORG has been pro-actively supporting our local airports trying to help defend them from what some might determine as baseless complaints without merit. We have responded to Congressman Cardenas and Councilwoman Monica Rodriquez. We have supported Rachel Uranga from the LA Times, Flying's Meg Godlewski, and Santa Monica GA supporter, and pilot Eve Lopez. We argued against positions advocated by a VNY neighborhood activist, The Santa Monica City Council, and Pacoima Beautiful. Notes about the SCAUWG.ORG position are available on our SHORT TAKES page.
July/August 2022 is very concerned about the danger that is presently posed by Jet Cargo Traffic at KSBD entering KREI airspace (4 miles away from KSBD) at KREI Traffic Pattern Altitude and at speeds of over 175 mph whilst on their way to land at KSBD. This, without any communication notice to KREI pilots on CTAF or otherwise. We have documented these flights and their altitudes which seem to not only breach KREI airspace but at times also Riverside and Flabob airports as well. The additional problem is KSBD tower has no radar, and as KREI is a G airspace airport, no radio is even required to land there, let alone ADS-B or Transponder. SCAUWG is reaching out in order to try and facilitate a resolution and to certainly publicize this issue.
The potential danger at KSBD and KREI was emphasized during a 7/11 Webinar conducted by Webmaster Ron Berinstein and co-chairman Pat Carey addressed to San Diego pilots as organized by San Diego FAASTeam FPM Randall "Steve" Nelson and FAAST Representative Paul Kortopates.
August 2022: News from Arizona - The FAA Spectrum - FCC air to air frequencies in PHX flight training areas project continues to progress. The growth of United Aviate Academy (UAA), now with about 180 flight students and projected to have 500 in 2023, reiterates the need for these air-to-air frequencies.
An Arizona Flight Training Workgroup (AFTW) Rainbow Valley Workgroup has been established to coordinate communication among flight training operations in the Rainbow Valley Practice Area where UAA operations are prevalent. This serves safety and will be in place should our request for waivers be approved by the FCC. - Our thanks to Sydney Bradfield and his team at the FAA Spectrum Office and Pat Carey (SCAUWG) for their continued support of this project.
- 08/25 UPS will begin testing their RNAV 24 approach to KSBD with a 767 doing the work. UPS reports that their flight approach simulator is now in place.
SCAUWG.ORG proposed that the LA COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS Dept. that oversees Whiteman Airport and has sponsored the creation of the "Whiteman Airport Re-envisioning - a community-driven process" ask for their Citizen Advisory Committee 19 members to voluntarily as measures of Honesty and Full Disclosure disclose any anticipated fiscal benefits that they, their families, or business interests, or that might benefit the organizations they represent, to be disclosed. Otherwise, how else can the County weigh the significance of their advice? The request was emailed in advance of the upcoming 8/25 virtual meeting and will be read online during the meeting by SCAUWG member Mike Carson. Meeting info can be found at: More details are posted on our SHORT TAKES page. Unfortunately, the suggestion was made but this goal was not realized. It appears that community input from outside of the CAC members, though encouraged, rarely is responded to.
January 2023: SCAUWG.ORG is proud to be able to announce that our airport advocacy program supporting KWHP has had significant success. A plethora of authored posts and successful press releases has yielded several positive results in both print and television media. Aviation Pros, 2UrbanGirls, Flying Magazine, Business Aviation News, AINonline, The Redlands Airport Association Website, Various other Websites, MSN, BING, KTLA-TV, FOX11-TV, KCBS-TV, and KCAL-TV have all responded with positive press. In addition to that, SCAUWG.ORG has posted to the KWHP re-envisioning website.
Discussion began last November and clear-cut results were revealed. Certain departure procedures that are often used in the LA area have not been published by the FAA. Some procedures are described only via airport websites if at all. Examples include the Mesa Departure and Newport Departure at John Wayne and the Golden State departure at Burbank. Reported by Courtney Carroll, Air Traffic Control Specialist, Air Traffic POC | TWLA SoCal, Operations Support Group | South Team Mission Support Services | Air Traffic Organization (ATO), is that the matter is being addressed. This is by requesting immediately that the procedures be specified in the departure clearance, and that there is a path to success via soon publishing these, and other similar procedures, in the Chart Supplement Bulletin.
Further inquiry into the alleged claims of soot and exhaust that might be generated at KVNY as a result of the now present ramp space where hangars once stood.
It was reported that the TEC route structure in LA that CFII Mike Jesch has been addressing as needing some route updates is getting them.
Hi Ronald, - What is the status of the potential closure of WHP? While I appreciate the letter from Mr. Sahakian to LAC Supervisor Horvath, per what I read, “There is no plan to close the airport.” This statement was attributed to Steven Frasher, public information officer for Los Angeles County Public Works. I’m aware that there were numerous comments (for/against) the potential closure of WHP. See attached. I didn’t see Mr. Sahakian’s letter among them. - Should everyone in LA County interested in supporting the continued operation of WHP be writing letters to the Supervisors? I’d like to share Mr. Sahakian’s letter with my SGV airport users distribution list; however, I need timely context. --- Yvonne Guerra, Communications, SGV Airmen Association
Consequently, I reached out to Mr. Sahakian, whom I know because of my participation as an FAA Safety Team Representative, and the positive activity that he has sponsored at the college. - Re: Mr. Frasher. My recommendation is to contact Mr. Paul Maselbas PE., LACPW Assistant Deputy Director - Mr. Masselbas was directly involved in the Whiteman Airport "CAC" program. To read a complete online history of that process I refer you to
Addressing what might have been referred to by Mr. Frasher, though the final vote by the supervisors has not been held, there has been a concerted effort over the many, many months (over a year) to persuade the LAC Supervisors to close the airport at the request of LA City Council and those that are related to certain LA City Council members, and/or have their own personal agendas.
Perhaps not as well publicized is the that majority of the CAC Committee members were chosen by LA City Council member Monica Rodriguez (who has a previous professional history with real estate via experience as a former executive at the California Association of Realtors) and "Pacoima Beautiful" (whose openly publicized charge is desiring the airport closure) and whose previous CEO was Nury Martinez, past President, LA City Council. Reference: - PB is very well organized and via their successful PR program, has secured a tremendous fiscal war chest with donors that even include Disney. Rudy Ortega representing Fernandeño Tataviam Band of Mission Indians, whose expressed motivation was to claim the airport land in the name of his group, was also on the committee. - To address your talking points directly:
The final meeting of the Community Advisory Committee (CAC) was personally addressed by LA City Council member Monica Rodriguez, with an opening statement that furthered her desired position to close the airport. There was no counter position opening speaker. The final vote was taken with only those who persisted in attendance (the student rep and the community volunteer dropped away). The panel voted with the exception of Mikayeel Khan, the president of the Pacoima Neighborhood Council. That council had previously (like all of the surrounding councils) to favor keeping KWHP open. Some questioned exactly why Mr. Khan, a predictable supporter, was not present on that night.
The vote that resulted was to close the airport, to not accept FAA funding, and for the County to accept all of the financial burden,
The airport supporters, the Civil Air Patrol, the Many Airport Businesses, the EAA (which recently flew at no charge their 10,000th youngster) via their monthly "Young Eagles" program that offers free flights (funded by the EAA Chapter volunteers) to kids 17 and younger - Reference: BHDN_1_FOX 10PM AIRCHECK PCR 12022-11-26 KTTVEME003.mpg_KTTVa29b_132.mpg ( - and other supporters like the no charge Air Explorers program for youth, the airport pilots association, etc. have actively engaged in neighborhood education, and community outreach activity like open houses with airport exhibits. Some of this activity has been openly and vehemently opposed by Pacoima Beautiful.
In spite of their efforts supporters continue to be challenged by hints and rumors of an airport closure vote. - Specific references:
Here is the November 10, 2023 letter to airport tenants: KWHP-DPW-TENANT-LETTER-11-10-2023.pdf (
Here is a summary of the Final CAC meeting:The FINAL KWHP CAC MEETING - A Summary - The Vote - Concluding Thoughts - Southern California Airspace Users Working Group (
Here is the April 23, 2023 KWHP Minority Report: Whiteman-Airport-Minority-Report-04062023-1.pdf (
Here is the Sept. 24, 2023 Report to the Supervisors by LADPW: 09.23.2023 - Final Whiteman Airport Re-Envisioning Report.pdf (
Here is a letter dated October 29, 2023 from the LA County Airport Commissioners to the LA County Supervisors: LETTER-FROM-CURT-CASTAGNA-10-30-23.docx (
Here is the Nov. 3, 2023 "Further Correspondence from the LA COUNTY AVIATION COMMISSION to theLA COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS and DEPT. OF PUBLIC WORKS:" KWHP-BOS-Nov-7th-Motion.docx (
Even with a vote by the supervisors to close the airport, it would take (if the obligation via current agreement with the FAA due to monetary grant acceptance is fulfilled) maybe ten years. That may be why Mr. Frasher may have stated that is "no plan to close the airport," but via the reading references above, you might now determine that the same may not be an entirely conclusive statement.
The concern is that Supervisor Horvath may well vote for closure, even though the future of aviation currently benefits the community, and with the future of eVtol aircraft and unleaded fuel, etc. has the potential to exponentially benefit the community. NOT TO FORGET TO MENTION GCC! Glendale College's Aviation program depends upon KWHP.
The thought of moving it to Burbank, would mean extravagant expense and student flights flying behind Southwest 737s!
The same would almost be true at Van Nuys. There, it would be a huge cost for the program, taxing down a one mile long runway, and waiting for a plethora of business jets to arrive via instrument flight plans, and for them to depart via a certain time window. I suspect the GCC, now filled aviation program, would be forced to sunset.
I have tried to make available to you objective and pertinent reading material. - I take time to make this data available because I believe in the GCC program and its potential.
February 2024
Regarding Redlands Airport - Airspace designation plans may be in place. These plans may affect SBD and Redlands significantly. SCAUWG.ORG hopes to play a role in communication among all parties.
Regarding Long Beach Airport - The Relativity Tower project is being examined. Noise and the Fly Friendly Program is under the microscope. CFI John Ringle has prepared substantial criticism of the program.
Regarding Torrance Airport - SCAUWG.ORG has made information available. Also, candidates for the TOA City Council who may be airport-friendly are running for office. We have invited folks to find out more. KTOA is facing many challenges from local government that may be attempting to supplant FAA regulatory authority. SCAUWG.ORG is trying to publicize the events.
Regarding Whiteman Airport - one can see Ron's most recent commentary published by the San Fernando Valley Sun here:
March - June 2024
SCAUWG members and SCAUWG.ORG have been proactive trying to safeguard the rights of LA Basin airports. Considerable support and attention has been given to informing the public of the FACTS regarding Fuel and Airspace. These efforts range from discussing the Fly Friendly program at Long Beach, Supporting Sling Academy and the fight against landing fees, to the efforts made for taxiway light repair at Torrance, expansion plans at Van Nuys, and fighting the attacks on Whiteman Airport, Los Alamitos Army Airfield and Banning Airports.
September. 2024
For months now SCAUWG.ORG has been an advocate for the LA Basin Airports. Torrance, Long Beach, Whiteman, Redlands, San Bernardino, Santa Monica, Van Nuys, Banning, Los Al Army Airfield. This effort coupled with promoting Pilot Resources, Curated Aviation News, Aviation Safety, Commentary, FAA Western Region Events among others, and Airspace.
For some time now the website has been gathering documents that might help in the fight against purposefully spreading misinformation that anti-airport folks profess about KWHP. They seek to close the airport ASAP after grant obligations expire. Private enterprise seeks to replace Community Resources.
DISCOVERD: An FAA ALP file that lists a 1999 grant for KWHP. In 1999 LA County purchased two properties on Osborne St that were described as an airport buffer zone. Most AIP Federal grants stipulate a 20-year obligation for the airport to stay open. However, should Federal funding be used to acquire property, the obligation may extend into perpetuity. This month we have filed with the County and also specifically with the Board of Supervisors a document request for all documents that might speak to the acquisition ordered by the BOS to become airport property. This obligation has not been recognized by the County Dept. of Public Works though the FAA file lists it. SCAUWG.ORG hopes that this data might affect Supervisor Horvath's perceived desire to close the airport and this month on the 24th make a motion to allocate 1.3 million dollars to fund yet another study regarding the airport's closure. (the subject did not appear on the final Sept 24 agenda.