Santa Paula Aerobatic Box

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Santa Paula Aerobatic Box

Santa Paula Training Area & Aerobatic Box
Being on frequency 122.775 is absolutely essential for fliers using or transitioning through the Santa Paula Training Area / Aerobatic Box between 1500 MSL and 5500 MSL  Please Note: Using Flight Following IS NOT ENOUGH advisory protection in an aerobatic environment; wherein the radar itself may not even see you as a target due to altitude and/or your plane's instrument equipage. Plus, the flight paths and altitudes flown by the aerobatic pilots in the "box" may not be predictable to a approach control controller.

If you have two radios, using one of them when in the practice area should be easy.  If you have only one radio, and you are using Flight Following, kindly advise the controller you need a temporary frequency change while you are in the training area.

How to Make Practice Area Radio Calls

First: Prior to entering the area, listen on frequency. Second: If there is no vocal activity, begin your transmission with: "Santa Paula Training Area" or Santa Paula Aerobatic Box" and then state your ID, your location, altitude and intention.  Third: monitor the frequency and continue to make appropriate position / altitude / intention reports.  Please remember, when reporting a position, it should be the position you are over; not the one you are viewing in the distance over your nose.  If you hear a pilot position report, and you are not sure what they said, or where they are, ASK! If you hear another pilot requesting, "Is anybody up?"  Respond with your information.

In the Santa Paula Training Area, you will find that highway 126 generally speaking, divides the area laterally.  Pilots will stay either "north of the 126," or, "south of the 126."  The canyons, "Grimes," & "Balcom," are also often referred to; as well as, "flying between Santa Paula and Fillmore," or "Fillmore to Piru."

Above all

Pay attention! Situation awareness needs to be a primary concern. Continually scan for aircraft! Remember, some folks just will not use the radio!  The "Santa Paula Aerobatic Box" is a really busy area!  Pilots are training, Pilots are transitioning East to West and West to East. Fillmore VORTAC sits atop of a mountain range in the area and attracts VFR traffic, and besides that traffic, FIL is a primary point of arrival for IFR traffic destined for LA Basin airports as well as KCMA and KOXR.

Also, note that the area extends to the EAST to just about MAGIC MOUNTAIN.

Waivered Box Supervised by CP Aviation

CP Aviation of Santa Paula supervises the Santa Paula Aerobatic Box.  Flying aerobatics in the Santa Paula Aerobatic Box requires the PIC to be listed on the FAA waiver on record at the VNY FSDO.  A waiver is required, as aerobatics in this area would not be allowed per the stated FARs.  As such, pilots must be approved by CP Aviation, and are expected to sign into the area, and out of the area using the appropriate forms located at the CP Aviation Flight School office.

Contact CP Aviation, 830 E. Santa Maria St. #301, Santa Paula, CA 93060 - Tel. (805) 525-2138 for more information regarding waiver requirements.

For more of the information YOU NEED about this Area, just click on the file below. This is a .PDF file designed to Answer Your Questions:

Santa Paula Practice Area