Whiteman Airport

2/13 FAA reinstates 'Notice to Airmen' pilot message name, reversing Biden decision - HERE    2/7 Duffy says he can offer air traffic controllers chance to stay past mandatory retirement age - HERE    2/7 Musk’s cost-cutters target US aviation system - HERE    2/7 CBP Issues New Guidance for Carriers - HERE     2/4 Bay Area airport narrowly avoids losing its air traffic controllers - HERE    2/3 SERVICE BULLETIN Ifor ROTAX® Engine Type 912 i, 915 i and 916 i i HERE    2/1 House T&I Dems Call on Duffy To Explain Funding Halts - HERE    2/1 Bedminster, NJ Airport Reiterates Need For TFR Relief - HERE    2/1 What we know about the Learjet crash in Philadelphia - HERE    2/1 Retired pilot describes helicopters at Reagan National as crossing a freeway on a bicycle - HERE    1/29 FAA streamlines aircraft registration - HERE    1/26 NBAA Welcomes Confirmation of Sean Duffy as DOT Secretary - HERE    1/28 Boom Supersonic XB-1 breaks sound barrier over Mojave Desert - HERE    1/28 ‘Nerve-racking’: Inside the aerial battle to tame Los Angeles fires -HERE    1/28 Senate tees up final vote on Duffy nomination to run Transportation Department - HERE    1/28 Environmental Group Disputes FBOs’ Fuel Claims - HERE    1/23 Satellite Navigation — GPS/WAAS Approaches In service Today - HERE    1/18 Landing fees ruled out in Buckeye, Arizona -AOPA    1/9 L.A. Fires: Air Attack bolstered by break in deadly winds - Here

* Above obtained from CS SW OCT 31, 2024


News, Challenges, & Correspondence:

02/04/2025   NO Practice Approaches into WHP and VNY until 2/4/2027 - LTA Details Here.

01/15/2025   Whiteman Airport Played Vital Role in Combating the Hurst Fire in Sylmar - San Fernando Valley Sun

Firehawk Helicopter at Whiteman Airport   -   Photo: James Miller

When the Hurst Fire was still burning last week in the hills of Sylmar, Whiteman Airport in Pacoima served as a base for the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (Cal Fire) to combat the flames and contain the spread.

James Miller, squadron commander of the Civil Air Patrol’s cadet squadron at Whiteman, explained that on Wednesday, Jan. 8, when the fires began to rage around Los Angeles, Cal Fire brought in Firehawk helicopters to specifically battle the Hurst Fire.

It served as an ideal location due to its close proximity to the fire. The Van Nuys and Burbank airports were already filled up with other assets that were being deployed to the Palisades Fire.

Now, Whiteman's value, and the value of other local reliever airports as well, has been unleashed!  Now the press coverage is filled with comments referring to firefighting aircraft like: "We would not be successful without them." "Aircraft can reach areas otherwise inaccessible," "The biggest tool in our arsenal," "...so effective in battling...," and many other accolades.  The DC-10s in use had to fly to San Berardino to be resupplied with retardant, imagine if our helicopters and fixed-wing aircraft didn't have local airports to use.  Imagine if the 40 aircraft in service had only one airport to access. Imagine if the tall Air Traffic Control Tower at Whiteman didn't exist because the field was closed, and it was replaced with housing and tall office buildings.
So, will the profiteering critics and the politicians in charge support our infrastructure now? When the flames subside will our fire hydrants, and our airports, be again taken for granted?  Will the future potential risks for community safety be ignored?   Those emailed have been asked to officially answer those questions.

AOPA joined other aviation groups in opposing the decision, noting an apparent misconception regarding the county's obligations to the federal government, which has funded various improvements over the years, and, crucially, the purchase of some of the airport’s land.

“Most notably, we have confirmed that Los Angeles County previously accepted an [Airport Improvement Program] grant to fund the addition of real property to WHP,” the groups told the county commission ahead of the vote. “Although the obligations associated with AIP grants typically have a 20-year duration, if the federal funds are used to acquire real property, the obligations are perpetual—and apply to the entire airport, not just the parcel acquired.… Los Angeles County has a perpetual obligation to operate WHP as an airport, and the proposed study would serve no purpose—but would constitute a blatant waste of airport and/or taxpayer funds.”  Continue Reading this expose Here.


11/12/2024   "Blinded at Night"  -  By report, an apartment building nearby apparently installed three very bright lights that face the airport runway. Approaching at night allegedly can cause significant distraction, impaired vision, and subsequent lack of runway situational awareness, resulting in impaired ability to see the last two runway exits.  -  A SCAUWG member will address the Airport Manager on 11/13.


10/30/2024   Land Use Study at California Airport Raises Alarm in GA Community - From FLYING - "Purpose of the research, according to Los Angeles County, is to determine alternate uses for Whiteman Airport’s 184 acres. - The aviation community in Southern California is raising the alarm over a decision made by Los Angeles County officials to request an expanded land use study for the land that is currently Whiteman Airport (KWHP).  - The economic impact and land use study was given the green light at the county's board of supervisors meeting on October 22. The purpose of the research, according to the county, is to determine alternate uses for the airport’s 184 acres. The facility is located in the city of Pacoima, 19 miles north of Los Angeles International (KLAX). Whiteman Airport is one of five owned by Los Angeles County.

The study is to be completed by a consulting firm and will cost $1.9 million, according to the Los Angeles Daily News. - - According to SCAUWG, (.ORG) documented agreements between the county and FAA assert that the property will remain an airport in perpetuity.  Read the full article Here.


10/26/2024   A New ISSUE has surfaced: A National Magazine Reporter seems to doubt the Perpetuity Claim made by the ASSOCIATION LETTER (see below).   These are some talking points that support the claim:   THIS ATTITUDE HAS SINCE BEEN RESOLVED!

  • Since at least 1982, an airport that accepts AIP grants to acquire real property creates perpetual obligations for the entire property, not just the parcel acquired.  That is a well-established FAA policy.
  • Los Angeles County acquired the Osborne Street properties in 1998-99 using AIP grants; we now have documentary confirmation of that.
  • The ALP, among other documents, confirms that those parcels have been and are still considered to be part of the airport by Los Angeles County.
  • So far as we are aware, there is no master list maintained by FAA of perpetually-obligated property.  But, given the records we have obtained, any omission of WHP from such a list would be erroneous.

The last point included as the reporter claimed that an FAA Source spoken to related that a "list' existed that details airports with perpetuity.  We have politely asked for that source so that further conversation can evolve.


10/23/2024   Study on other uses for Whiteman Airport approved by LA County supervisors - From The Los Angeles Daily News - The Study will focus on alternatives if the airport closes, and the economic activity and impacts of aviation

"An expanded land use study will examine other uses for the county-owned Whiteman Airport in Pacoima should it be shut down, including the possibility of building affordable housing, according to a motion approved Tuesday, Oct. 22 by the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors.

Its action adds $1.3 million for a consulting firm already charged with studying the airport, bringing the study’s cost to $1.9 million to look at economic impacts and alternative uses “for the potential repurposing” of the general aviation airport, according to county documents. The study will also determine the economic benefits of aviation operations.

“Although no final decision has been made to close Whiteman Airport, it is prudent at this time to investigate all potential impacts of airport closure to the Pacoima community and the County,” wrote Kelly Lo Bianco, director of the county’s Department of Economic Opportunity (DEO) in a letter to the board dated Oct. 22.

Supervisor Lindsey Horvath, who represents the area, authored a motion in April that asked for the study about operational impacts, as well as shutting it down and using the 184-acre site for other purposes. Tuesday’s action sets that full study in motion.

“An economic study is a critical next step in a process to reimagine the Whiteman Airport site in Pacoima,” said Horvath in a prepared statement. “The results of the fiscal analysis and land use study will inform future actions while we take immediate steps today to protect the health of the residents of the Northeast San Fernando Valley, including the transition to unleaded aviation fuel.”

SCAUWG.ORG Comment: Having watched the proceedings and being in a telephone queue waiting to give a one-minute response for what was hours, I can testify that item # 29 (the measure to study closure) was never discussed. Two speakers did get to address the Board via telephone, They requested opposition.  No one spoke in favor. Unfortunately, my telephone connection failed.  The speakers spoke during what was a form of "cattle call" as the discussion of agenda items by the Board ended at #17 wherein it seemed as if the discussion on that item lasted at least an hour. At that moment callers and those present in person were invited to address any of the remaining 58 items that were also not read but lumped into what was a bulk vote.

SCAUWG.ORG submitted evidence into the written record that Whiteman Airport enjoys the benefit of legal perpetuity (described in the section that follows). The release took some time to prepare even on a rushed schedule.  The notice of the 10/22 morning meeting was dated 10/16. The notice was sent to Dawyn Harrison, County Counsel, as well as to each Supervisor. And so, with one rapid vote of either Yea or Nea, (all voted Yea) all of the "special items" that were not individually addressed (like the study) were approved.  It mattered not that one of the #29 speakers addressed the Board saying that records show the airport should not be closed, and it mattered not that the notices were sent, and that two entries into the public record were made and their acceptance was confirmed. Number 29 was not addressed, nor was the vote delayed, allowing consultation with County council.

The above Los Angeles Daily News story reveals data that seems to infer that the decision to approve was made, and statements were prepared before the meeting. The rush to vote without adequate notice of the issue skewed a thoughtful and timely response, and in this case, approved a 1.3-million-dollar expenditure to study closing an airport that by regulation enjoys the right to stay open into perpetuity.

It is ironic that item #17 which garnered so much Supervisor conversation, addressed the notion that last-minute agenda notices created a lack of adequate notice for responsible parties to respond to proposed measures.

It is recognized that the County has the right to order studies and that in this case, that study doesn't affect the legal right for the airport to remain perpetually.  SCAUWG.ORG is proud to have participated with NBAA, and later with the endorsements of AOPA, NATA, and VAI, bringing the matter of Whiteman Airport perpetuity to the fore, and to LA County Supervisor's attention.  Read the Entire Article Here.


10/21/24   Whiteman Airport - ENJOYS PERPETUITY - SHUT DOWN the SHUT DOWN TALK!

The Following Letter was meant as a Notice to the Board of Supervisors that research has uncovered the data to support that Whiteman Airport is subject to Perpetuity.  SCAUWG.ORG worked closely with NBAA and NBAA later obtained the endorsements of AOPA, NATA, and VAI prior to the notice being sent to the LA County Board of Supervisors as well as the LA County council.


The following is a Capture of the LA County Dept. Public Works Document that illustrates Federal Funding:

To SEE THE ENTIRE DOCUMENT Sent to the LA County Board of Supervisors that also has a full copy of the LA County Dept. of Public Works  Document proofing Federal Funding for the Purchase of REAL PROPERTY  - CLICK HERE




ITEM #29

29. Economic Impact Analysis and Land Use Study Recommendation: Authorize the Director of Economic Opportunity to execute a contract amendment with Trifiletti Consulting to increase the compensation from $600,000 previously awarded for other projects, to $1,900,000 to conduct an economic impact analysis and land use study for the potential repurposing of the County-owned Whiteman Airport, located in the City of Los Angeles (3), with no impact to new County General Funds; and find that the approval of the proposed contract amendment is not subject to California Environmental Quality Act. (Department of Economic Opportunity) APPROVE (24-4683) Attachments: Board Letter Public Comment/Correspondence
Attachments: Board Letter
                      Public Comment/Correspondence


SCAUWG.ORG Comment:   For years now there have been efforts to close Whiteman Airport and redevelop the land. These efforts have been characterized by local politicians who make environmental arguments that LA County-sponsored studies discount, but they continue to make them. They think that those who listen will believe their statements if repeated often enough.   They pretend to help the local citizens who live near the airport, yet they refuse to accept the Federal funding (95% of the cost) needed to renovate the approximately 300 units nearest to the airport determined to be eligible. Instead, they wish to spend almost two million dollars for a study.  They also choose to ignore the will of the local citizens, who via surveys, and statements from the local neighborhood councils, all favor supporting Whiteman Airport. The fire chief of the associated County Heliport/Firebase at Whiteman vocalized that keeping the KWHP runway open to facilitate emergency response is important, and preferred.  In addition to all of that, they are seeking to close the airport while in 2005 the BOS voted unanimously to extend a lease of Whiteman Airport land used for parking vehicles. The land was voted to be leased through January 2044. Other land parcels were purchased for Whiteman Airport and the purpose was stated in writing as for "public purpose." Of all the five County-owned airports Whiteman Airport yields the largest income for the County. Presently, testimony describes the alleged co-mingling of funds between the airports.

Worse yet, though the politicians and one particular 501 (c) (3) organization declare they want environmental justice for Pacoima residents who live near the airport, fiscal justice is being ignored. Whilst they desire to move closer to closing the airport, the neighborhood is closer to gentrification and development making the new cost of rentals unaffordable and forcing the current residents to relocate.

* Edited 10/16/2024

8/14/2024   LA Officials Ponder Whiteman Airport Closure - But the airport is not going away anytime soon - From AINOnline - "The rumblings over the possible closure of Los Angeles-area Whiteman Airport (KWHP) continue to increase after Los Angeles County District 3 supervisor Lindsey Horvath confirmed she ordered the County Department of Public Works to no longer accept FAA airport improvement project (AIP) funding grants for the airport, which would add 20 years to the city’s obligation to operate the airport from the date of acceptance. In 1999, KWHP was awarded $1,220,000 in AIP funding grants, with some of it earmarked for land purchase for approaches. It received nearly $150,000 in 2020.Speaking at a local neighborhood council meeting earlier this month, Horvath noted that the order was “not a final judgment” on the airport, which is facing attacks from some local elected officials citing adverse noise and health effects.- Finish Reading Here

Webmaster: This story was inspired by a SCAUWG.ORG PR release.



Aviation Commission Meeting -  From San Fernando Valley Sun

Aviation Enthusiasts Comment in Favor of Keeping Whiteman Airport Open

A decision or even definitive direction regarding the fate of Whiteman Airport in Pacoima remains up in the air.

The campaign to shut down the airport, citing potential health and safety concerns, was propelled by the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors’ motion calling for an economic analysis and planning study for both an airport closure and if it were to remain operational.

Supporters of the airport are making sure they are not forgotten. At a recent LA County Aviation Commission meeting at Whiteman Airport, aviation enthusiasts spoke strongly in favor of keeping the airport operational.    Continue HERE



   Airport Monthly Newsletter - Dept of Public Works

Read it HERE.



WHITEMAN AIRPORT UPDATE - Board of Supervisors News. - Letter to the Editor Submitted to SCAUWG.ORG by KWHP Airport Advocate M. Stone.

Agenda Items to be Considered.

Item 16: Re-envisioning Whiteman Airport: Expanding Economic Opportunities (link to agenda)

Recommendation as submitted by Supervisor Horvath: Direct the Chief Executive Officer, in collaboration with the Director of Public Works, to report back to the Board in 60 days with a plan and cost estimate to conduct a study of potential land uses for the 184-acre Whiteman Airport Property, both as an operational airport and if the airport were to close, along with an economic analysis of the impacts to the County and the Pacoima community if the airport were to close, the economic analysis should include the following:

Community jobs created and resulting direct, indirect, and induced effects; Financial implications of existing airport property contract rights and prior lease agreements; Impacts to airport businesses; Financial impacts to the overall system of five County airports; and An appraisal of the fair market value of the land and existing improvements. (24-1281) (link to full text of motion)

If you wish, public comments may be submitted to the BOS here (item 16).

In addition, I believe SCAUWG visitors may be interested in this early March press release from Supervisor Lindsey Horvath, especially for the bolded section:

Los Angeles, CA – "Today, Lindsey P. Horvath, Chair of the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors, announced an important step to a healthier Northeast San Fernando Valley. Beginning June 1, 2024, unleaded aviation fuel will be commercially available at Whiteman Airport in Pacoima. This transition from leaded to unleaded aviation fuel is the result of Chair Horvath’s November 7, 2023, motion to reimagine Whiteman Airport.

“Los Angeles County is taking action to safeguard the health of our Pacoima and Northeast San Fernando Valley neighbors surrounding Whiteman Airport by transitioning to unleaded aviation fuel,” said Chair Horvath. “I wholeheartedly support Senator Menjivar’s legislation to ban leaded fuel outright. Until we have that directive Los Angeles County will do everything within our authority to prioritize unleaded options countywide.”

Moreover, Chair Horvath emphasized, that the County will not seek future funding from the FAA that would further lengthen aviation operations at Whiteman Airport, a measure that is also in alignment with her November 7 motion on the future of the 78-year-old airport.

Beginning June 1, LA County Public Works will provide Swift Fuels UL94, unleaded aviation gasoline at all five LA County-operated airports. This gasoline is usable by approximately 60-70 percent of the piston aircraft fleet. The unleaded aviation fuel industry is quickly developing. The Federal Aviation Administration has not yet approved an unleaded fuel for all piston aircraft. Given this, a low lead fuel option will still be available for sale. Public Works will encourage and prioritize the use of the new unleaded option.

A voluntary airport curfew is also in place at Whiteman Airport, limiting departures and arrivals between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. daily. A process is underway to move toward a mandatory curfew."


LACoDPW officials earlier in the week said no such determination with the FAA has been made yet. Lindsey Horvath's office was asked to elaborate. The request, at the time of publication, was still outstanding.



   PR Release from SCAUWG.ORG


Read the Lead Study Here.

Read the entire PR Release HERE



   County of Los Angeles "Reimagining" Letter to Supervisors from Public Works &  Public Works Ordered Health Dept. Report Results:


Read the Entire Letter HERE



Letter addressed to the Whiteman Airport Tenants from the County re 11/7/2023 motion addressing:

  • Leaded Fuel
  • Nighttime Curfew

Read the full letter Here.




From: Curt Castagna <ccastagna@nata.aero> Date: November 3, 2023, at 4:21:17 PM PDT To: ThirdDistrict@bos.lacounty.gov, firstdistrict@bos.lacounty.gov, hollyjmitchell@bos.lacounty.gov, fourthdistrict@bos.lacounty.gov, kathryn@bos.lacounty.gov Subject: LA County Owned Whiteman Airport- Nov 7th motion

Honorable County Supervisors Horvath, Solis, Mitchell, Hahn and Barger

We understand the motion details outlined below to be heard on Nov 7th. It is not yet clear, given the manner in which the BOS agenda is managed, whether or not this will be taken in order, as a consent item or pulled for discussion. We imagine that complexity of taking items out of order now makes community engagement more challenging.

We are pleased to see the BOS now taking a more proactive approach to that investment needed to implement the currently commercially available unleaded aviation gasoline to speed up the transition in LA County. As well, a review of the lead studies that have been available…..

We note the item seeking a voluntary curfew program. We would encourage the BOS and staff to review what other airports in the region are doing in similar regards. Long Beach has a wonderful report out. See attached. We do encourage staff and the BOS to consider the federal requirements needed for any formal regulatory program to restrict access, mitigate noise, etc. at WHP Airport- so to not be out of compliance with the need to adhere to a FAA Part 150 and/or 161 study.

We understand the County’s Airport Capital Improvement Program (ACIP) and the attached summary from the FAA, that indicates that the last grant that the County accepted for airport infrastructure improvements at Whiteman Airport was for the installation of perimeter fencing in FFY 2013. Grant assurances under that funding agreement require the airport to remain in operation until at least 2033. Also attached the County’s Federal ACIP showing the County airport projects tentatively programmed by the FAA for grant funding over the next five years. It includes the following projects tentatively scheduled for Whiteman Airport:

FFY 2024 - Rehabilitate Runway and Taxiway A & Construct Runway 30 Hold Apron – Design ($400k)

FFY 2025 - Rehabilitate Wash Rack and Apron Area Pavements – Design ($800K)

FFY 2026 - Rehabilitate Runway and Taxiway A & Construct Runway 30 Hold Apron – Construction ($4M)

FFY 2026 - Reconfigure Airport Entrance Road – Design ($400K)

FFY 2028 - Rehabilitate Wash Rack and Apron Area Pavements – Construction ($9M)

The total estimated cost of these projects is $14.6M. About $13.9M of this amount would be financed with Federal and State grant funds.

We learned at the October Aviation Commission meeting, although the runway pavement at Whiteman Airport is in very poor condition, later this month we plan to ask the FAA to delay for one year the programmed funding grant for the design of the needed runway improvements ($360,000), due to the current uncertainty of the future of the airport. Acceptance of the funds would invoke grant assurances requiring the airport to remain in operation for 20 years. THIS IS A VERY TROUBLING NOTICE THAT WE BELIEVE..."    Continue Reading by Clicking Here.



Read the Entire Document Here. This is the motion that established the "CAC."




From the BOS Meeting February 1, 2005:  

Recommendation: Approve and instruct the Chair to sign amendment to lease agreement with Richard S. Coulter for an additional 3,220 sq ft of unimproved land to be used as vehicle and equipment parking at Whiteman Airport, Pacoima area (3), and to increase monthly rental rate to $1,686, effective upon Board approval through January 31, 2044; and authorize the Acting Director to make the necessary changes arrangements with the County's contract airport manager and operator for the collection of all rents to be paid. 4-VOTES (05-0314


Webmaster: Included herein as I believe this might illustrate the "maintaining the airport into the future" mindset of the BOS at the time, If they intended building homes eventually on the property why would they lease it as a parking lot through 2044?

* Edited 10/17/2024